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Happy Little Girl

Hypnotherapy for Confidence and Self Esteem

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Hypnotherapy for Confidence and Self Esteem

Confidence can be an elusive thing.  It is hard to understand why it comes and why it goes, how some people seem to have an abundance of it and others have very little indeed. Healthy confidence and self-esteem are fundamental to We could say your ability to live a happy and fulfilled life. Without these things, relationships in a social setting, at work and at home, all suffer. We may not be able to start new relationships at all.

We miss romantic opportunities, jobs, life experiences, and this inevitably leads to our world shrinking more and more.  Often, we cannot see a way out.​​ Solution Focused Hypnotherapy allows me to help you revise and replace negative beliefs, thoughts and behaviours. Using a combination of psychotherapy and visualisation techniques in trance, I can help you build confidence with each session, directly addressing current and relevant issues that might be affecting your life as we progress. It is a simple process that increases self-belief and positive thinking.

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I contacted Mark for some help with issues I had, a lack of confidence and anxiety when meeting and talking to people were my main concerns.  I found Mark very approachable and he put me at ease from the start. The meetings were more like talking to a friend of many years.

The sessions and tools to use at home quickly gave me the impetus to make a change and what a change it has been. After eight sessions life is a lot brighter. No longer anxiety over everyday events, or building conspiracies that don’t exist, I now see my life from a much calmer aspect able to better deal with real problems.  I can't thank Mark enough for all his work with me and would recommend him to anyone.
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