Hypnotherapy for Weight Management
Hypnotherapy for Weight Management
If you are here then you may have already tried any number of diets. For most people, diets are unsustainable because they rely on will power alone, and will power will only carry you so far. And when you stumble from a diet, the guilt can be crippling. You feel even worse about yourself because you now consider yourself weak willed. ​Often, our relationship with food is directly related to our mental state. Anxiety levels have a massive effect on our relationship with food, whether causing us to binge eat or to lose interest in eating at all.
When we are stressed or low in mood, we make short term decisions, we want a quick hit of happiness, that chocolate muffin perhaps. The reduction of anxiety and the ability to focus on the positive, means we can make better choices and plan long term. We feel more motivated and become more active. When our relationship with ourselves is good, so is our relationship with food.​ Managing your weight with hypnotherapy is no quick fix, but it is about re-focusing for the long term.